Monday, September 26, 2011

And more injuries. . .

I ran into a tree branch yesterday while playing with my nieces and nephews, and now I have a slight cut on my forehead. I feel like Harry Potter, except that while his forehead scar symbolized his mother's love and his triumph over a dark lord, my cut simply symbolizes that I got bested by a tree.

And my mother has now admitted that I am indeed a klutz. She thought for years that I was graceful, simply because I apparently did well in my ballet class as a child. But since I started pointing out to her all of my falls and injuries, she has now admitted it - I am indeed a graceful klutz. And proud of it.


  1. Your scar symbolizes your love for your nieces and nephews.

    Plus, think about your carbon footprint-it's about time the trees get a point. ;)

  2. I discovered years ago that just because a person is a graceful dancer it does not mean they continue to be graceful when they are not dancing. At times I wondered if there was a strong correlation between a person's grace on stage and their lack therof off stage. :) You can be both graceful and a klutz at the same time!

  3. You're still more graceful than your big brother... though I suppose that is not a big compliment... ;)
