I'm the most excited for Halloween that I have ever been in my life. Well, at least since I was a kid. When I was a kid, Halloween generally involved finding a wonderful outfit like a fairy or a princess, and then resorting to a hobo costume the day of trick-or-treating because it was so cold outside that my mom couldn't fit my fairy costume over the snowpants and coat that were required to keep my tiny body warm. So, we resorted to a bowler hat and a funny shirt over the coat, and called it good.
As an adult, Halloween generally sneaks up on me, and I quickly through a costume together that generally involves me ratting my hair to unfathomable heights (never underestimate the power of natural curl + ratting + super-stiff hairspray). This year, however, I actually planned ahead! Probably because I'm on a quest to not hide from anyone my passions (in the past, I used to wait at least a month to figure out if a potential friend was prepared for the full onslaught of the geekdom that is my life. Now, I give them a day, if that), my Halloween costume for this year is from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was originally going to be Princess Leia, but my desire to run around with a light-saber far exceeded my desire to put my long hair to good use in those massive buns. Yes, I will be a Jedi knight. And don't be surprised if I end up wearing this costume at other times that are not Halloween.
I will be pleasantly surprised if a Jedi knight surprises me by ringing my doorbell on Oct. 31. Seriously.