I started a book series after I graduated, as sort-of a present to myself for being done forever from school. Then I found out that I needed to take a one-credit class in order to stay employed for the summer. One-credit should be easy, I thought, so I continued to read my series - which ultimately turned into me shunning all external responsibilities and working as little as possible in order to spend as much time as possible reading. I finally finished the series today, and feel as though a haze has been lifted. I admit, I have a problem - I get WAY too involved in books. It might be a coping mechanism (you don't want to hire me, Mr. Hiring Department that won't even call me for an interview? I'll just read this book, where I will live vicariously through a 12-year old boy who is slowly taking over control of the entire known universe, and will mentally picture taking over that hiring department and making them pay for not giving me an interview), but I think it really just comes down to one thing - I LOVE STORIES. I was recently discussing with a roommate about activities I like, and I had a hard time pinning down what it is that I like to do. The truth is, I like anything that involves a story, whether that is talking with people and learning about their life, or enjoying fictionalized stories through books, movies, or TV. I also like exploring and doing crazy adventures (such as dressing like hobos and eating beans by the railroad tracks), because it leads to stories (or I can pretend that I am in a story). And yes, maybe most of the stories I like have a fantasy twist to them, but what can I say? I like fantasy.
So, dear friends, I am out of my haze, and have promised myself that I won't get back into any book series until I have finished that one-credit class (which I now have three weeks to do 48 hours worth of work), and possibly found a job.
Oh, and Grace, I PROMISE I will get pictures from the grand canyon uploaded. And possibly some graduation pictures. Soon.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Disturbing - to me at least
"What is this," you are saying, "Emily is posting 3 times in a week? She averages a post a month!" Yes, this is true. I'm trying to be better. And I also was just sitting here wasting time applying for jobs and thought I should do something productive, like flipping through the channels. And I came across one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen: a show on the travel channel on the top places to pig out. The section I watched was on the Vermontster at Ben and Jerry's, which is basically just a huge tub of ice-cream that you try to eat in one sitting.
I couldn't stop watching, it was so disturbing watching people try to eat all of this. One girl fell into her ice-cream, a few people got sick, and it was like watching the fall of civilization in a five-minute TV clip.
When it comes to food, I have realized that quality really doesn't matter to me - its quantity. I'll eat just about anything if its in a small quantity. The larger the quantity, the less I'll enjoy it, even if its something I adore (like death-by-chocolate ice-cream, which I might eat after I finish this post complaining about food). So, if you love me, don't make me eat large quantities of food. Instead, use me as a guinea pig for all those recipes that you've been meaning to try, but don't know if anyone will enjoy. Guaranteed, I'll eat it. I just might only eat half a serving.

I couldn't stop watching, it was so disturbing watching people try to eat all of this. One girl fell into her ice-cream, a few people got sick, and it was like watching the fall of civilization in a five-minute TV clip.
When it comes to food, I have realized that quality really doesn't matter to me - its quantity. I'll eat just about anything if its in a small quantity. The larger the quantity, the less I'll enjoy it, even if its something I adore (like death-by-chocolate ice-cream, which I might eat after I finish this post complaining about food). So, if you love me, don't make me eat large quantities of food. Instead, use me as a guinea pig for all those recipes that you've been meaning to try, but don't know if anyone will enjoy. Guaranteed, I'll eat it. I just might only eat half a serving.
Vote for Julia!
My dearest friend Julia is competing in a bloggerbrawl, and needs your vote! Here's the link:
http://www.mormontimes.com/mormon_voices/blogbrawl/?id=14730. You can vote on every type of computer browser on your computer (Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.) Just if you want to ensure my joy in watching Julia win :)
http://www.mormontimes.com/mormon_voices/blogbrawl/?id=14730. You can vote on every type of computer browser on your computer (Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.) Just if you want to ensure my joy in watching Julia win :)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Puddle Jumper, the Final Chapter
So, this blog entry has been a few weeks in the making. It all started on a beautiful spring day, when one of my dear friends was getting married. Brooke and I hopped into my loving yet faltering car, and somehow made it to Salt Lake and back. The freeway was fine - it was in the city that I wanted to cry and give up. Lets put it this way: going through intersections, I think I saw a turtle turn to me and laugh as he sped past me. My car just refused to get into gear.
The next morning, a not-so-beautiful rainy day, my car would not turn on. It wasn't the battery or anything, it was turning over, but the engine was just not engaging. So, as I walked to work, I realized that this actually was a tender mercy from the Lord. Not that my car was dead, necessarily, but I realized that I had been praying for my car to last through graduation. And it did last through graduation, plus a weekend. I honestly don't think my car would have made it that long without the Lord's answer to my prayers.
Anyhoo, long story short, I was able to find a new-ish car (2001 Toyota Camry), and I'm getting a really good deal on it. It will be great. And I'm using my wedding fund to buy it, so maybe the fact that I have no money to get married will mean I meet the guy soon. . .
Anyway, tonight I realized that my car is just sitting in my driveway wasting space, so I posted it on craigslist to see if there was anyone who wanted it for parts. First, I tried turning it on again, and it actually DID, so I felt no guilt as listing it as a running car, and being completely honest about its otherwise crappy status. Within 10 minutes, I got a phone call, which went something like this:
"Hi, I'm looking at the ad for your Honda Civic."
"Yes, that's mine."
"You have it listed at $300, would you be willing to take $200."
"Uhhh, yes."
"Okay, we'll buy it."
"Seriously, you don't want to look at it or anything?"
No, they didn't. They're up in Ogden, and I think they could hear "honest sucker" in my voice, so they bought my car. They drove down to C-town to get the title from my mom and give her the money, and I drove the car up to Orem to leave it at his parents' house, and AAA will take it the rest of the way. I barely made it up to Orem, so I think $200 is okay all things considering. All I can say is, my negotiations teacher would have been laughing at me that entire conversation, and probably would have gone into the system to change my grade down a notch for failure to even pretend to negotiate a simple car sale. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you will never see me working as a saleswoman.
The next morning, a not-so-beautiful rainy day, my car would not turn on. It wasn't the battery or anything, it was turning over, but the engine was just not engaging. So, as I walked to work, I realized that this actually was a tender mercy from the Lord. Not that my car was dead, necessarily, but I realized that I had been praying for my car to last through graduation. And it did last through graduation, plus a weekend. I honestly don't think my car would have made it that long without the Lord's answer to my prayers.
Anyhoo, long story short, I was able to find a new-ish car (2001 Toyota Camry), and I'm getting a really good deal on it. It will be great. And I'm using my wedding fund to buy it, so maybe the fact that I have no money to get married will mean I meet the guy soon. . .
Anyway, tonight I realized that my car is just sitting in my driveway wasting space, so I posted it on craigslist to see if there was anyone who wanted it for parts. First, I tried turning it on again, and it actually DID, so I felt no guilt as listing it as a running car, and being completely honest about its otherwise crappy status. Within 10 minutes, I got a phone call, which went something like this:
"Hi, I'm looking at the ad for your Honda Civic."
"Yes, that's mine."
"You have it listed at $300, would you be willing to take $200."
"Uhhh, yes."
"Okay, we'll buy it."
"Seriously, you don't want to look at it or anything?"
No, they didn't. They're up in Ogden, and I think they could hear "honest sucker" in my voice, so they bought my car. They drove down to C-town to get the title from my mom and give her the money, and I drove the car up to Orem to leave it at his parents' house, and AAA will take it the rest of the way. I barely made it up to Orem, so I think $200 is okay all things considering. All I can say is, my negotiations teacher would have been laughing at me that entire conversation, and probably would have gone into the system to change my grade down a notch for failure to even pretend to negotiate a simple car sale. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you will never see me working as a saleswoman.
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