Monday, November 29, 2010

How to Comb your Curly Hair

Yes, that indeed was a "subject o-matique" subject. Combing curly hair is indeed a difficulty. Especially when you are sitting in a car in the midst of a 20-hour car trip (that only was intended to be 12-hours) and realize that your curly hair has suddenly become a mat of snarls. Not fun.

So, the car trip mentioned was leg one of an epic roadtrip up to Portland Oregon. We had tons of fun enjoying the coast, enjoying the absence of sales tax, and getting spoiled with people pumping gas for you. It was absolutely wonderful - until the moment when Idaho decided to close all possible routes leading to our return home Sunday night. So, we stopped in Twin Falls at one of our company's grandma's homes and stayed the night. What did we do to make the most of the situation? We initiated the guys into girl talk. They did quite well, I must say. Idaho finally let us leave their state this afternoon, and I am happy to report that I am back in Utah.

In completely unrelated news, tonight, the UPS man dropped off a package at our doorstep. Lets hypothetically say my address is 100 North 100 East, Cool Town, USA. The package was addressed to Jo Shmo (obviously not matching any name in this home), 115 North 150 West, Bluesville USA. Epic Fail. 5-miles off epic. We live in a grid system - how hard is it to notice that they were not only delivering the package to the wrong home, on the wrong side of town, but the wrong town entirely? Good job, UPS man, good job.


  1. UPS men are supposed to be some of the sexiest men in uniform. that's what i hear.

  2. Did you open the package? I think you should keep it!
