Monday, November 1, 2010

Sound effects sold separately

So, those of you who know me well (or for some reason unknown reason have been reading my blog for a long time without ever having met me) know that I have a weakness: fortune cookies. 95% of the reason I love them is because of the cookie. If you are currently scratching your head, thinking fortune cookies are a sub-par treat, I don't really care. My taste buds are just that unique. The other 5% of my love is because I find great amusement in the fortunes. I currently have 2 hanging inside my closet door that bring me great hope:

"The wheel of good fortune is finally turning in your direction!" (Because the exclamation point makes it really true!)
"Your dearest wish will come true." Wish 1 - be a Jedi for a day (check!!); Wish 2 - infiltrate Stargate Command and go through a wormhole. I'm halfway there.

I also have one more saying hanging up in my closet. It was written at a time when people everywhere were telling me that the reason I don't have a boyfriend is because I'm too intimidating (how can that ever be taken as a compliment?!) Dear E, who had just told me about her first crush, responded with this delightful piece of wisdom:

"The only reason some boy can use the excuse that you are intimidating is because you're not stupid enough to have a crush on someone who just got back from drug rehab."

It is thoughts and fortunes like these that give me inspiration and hope every morning.


  1. Even though you told me it was good, it took Jesse to convince me to watch Stargate (and actually, I only did it then because I was shirking my grad school responsibilities and he was watching it in the warmest part of the house). I must say, you were right. It is sci-fi AND it's funny.

    That was a bit off topic. I would say fortune cookies are more an 83-17 split for me, but they are quite tasty.

    I too dislike when people give reasons why other people aren't in a relationship/don't have kids/can't get a good price on car insurance (I've had at least one of those happen to me.) The world just isn't that simple.

    Did I mention I adore you, and by extension, the randomness that is your blog. "Random" is probably the best compliment I could give to anyone.

  2. HA! ohhhhhh the things that come out of some people's mouths.

    It's because you're better than all the other padawans.

    I love you, you intimidating girl, you.

  3. I love fortune cookies too! And you need to help me become a Trekkie.
