Thursday, January 27, 2011

My mind is a blank.

I've decided I want to try my hand at composing music. I've been wanting to for years, but I have one hold up - I never can think of any lyrics, or even a good topic to try. I like thinking of melodies, I'll make up stuff on the piano, but I draw a blank when it comes to lyrics. So, the big question is. . .
Does anyone want to help me with lyrics? Or does anyone have a poem they want me to put to music? Please realize it will probably never be very good, and I might never share it with anyone, but if you have ideas to help me jumpstart my attempt at composing, I would appreciate the help.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I'm teaching my parents the joys of igoogle and google reader, which has lead them to finally reading my blog, which has lead to the confusion about my blog title coming up as "Defying Gravity." So, to help my parents, I changed my blog title so (hopefully) it will appear as "Emily's Ramblings" in your newsfeed. Which, if I do say so myself, is probably more descriptive of what this blog actually entails, because I've never really determined a purpose for this blog. Which actually suits me best.

Ummm, that's about it. I mostly want to post this so my name appears in your feed reader, or however you get updates that I have posted, so that I can tell you "Hi!" and that I'm still around. So Hello, faithful reader, I think you are swell.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sundance Anyone?

For the first time ever I want to go to the Sundance Film Festival. Not that I haven't thought, wow, it would be cool to experience the Film Festival and see cool stars, but I found a movie that I really want to go see. Its a film set in Armenia!! Who wants to come with? Here is the link for more info:

Or if that doesn't work, the film is called "Here." And its set in Armenia. It shouldn't be too hard to find.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Why I don't (shoudn't) remember my dreams

Okay, I'm typing this up at a very early hour in order to remember the ultra-bizarre dream that just woke me up. So if it makes no sense, you can blame the time, or the fact that it is a dream and is not supposed to make sense.

My sister Sarah and I were writing a book on vampires (first clue that this is odd - it would make much more sense for me to be writing a book about vampires with my sister Jenni, or my roommate Emma. Sarah and I would much rather write books together on non-demon related topics. Just sayin.) So, conveniently, there is an entrance to the vampire world just around the street from our parents' home. She and I go driving around the neighborhood arguing over which green house it is (the only information we knew was that the demon entrance was from an old house that had been painted green. And who knew there would be three green houses on one street). Well, we finally find the home, and I'm pretty sure there was an outdoor entrance to the basement, because we never broke into the home, we just found ourselves walking in a very well-light basement towards a door labeled "Vampire World." (thank you, vampires, for making the entrance to your world so clean and easy to find)

I think at this point we went back for our supplies, then went back to the door. As we were heading back, just as Sarah reached the door, a vampire came after me. I tried to go running to the door, but was wearing heels and couldn't make it in time. Sarah did not come back to help me (but she did hold the door for me, thanks Sar); so I had to fight the demon alone. What did I do? Slapped it. That's right - in my dream, I fought a vampire off while wearing heels by slapping it in the face, then running towards the open door held open by my sister. Then I woke up.

And this is why I don't allow myself to remember my dreams. I don't want to think about what all my si-fi watching does to my unconscious self.