Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Subject O-Matique

One of the most common conversations in the MPA lounge was a "discussion" about the pros and cons of gmail versus other email services. Now, while I have gmail (two accounts, actually), I still hold on to my hotmail and my yahoo accounts. Whenever these discussions would arise, it was usually everyone else fighting against Jarilyn (hotmail) and me (always arguing for yahoo). If today I were in the MPA lounge hanging with those friends, I would bring up this wonderful feature in yahoo that makes my life more enjoyable:

Subject O-Matique.

If you cannot think of a subject, or are at a loss on how to be witty, all you have to do is click on the word "subject" and yahoo will come up with a subject for you. I accidentally clicked on this feature today (and then, like a five-year-old, continued clicking on the button for much longer than I should have). So, I would like to share some of the gems with you. You can be grateful that I don't spam you all right now and fill your entire inbox with email messages with the following headings:

Tinsel and garland are NOT the same thing. Tinsel rocks.

Bonsai kittens.


Facts: 1) Ninjas are mammals. 2) Ninjas fight ALL the time. 3) The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Quote me as saying I was misquoted.

You are brave young dragon. But mine is the stronger gung-fu.

we never once talked about a blow dryer

this brain has been polished professor

Now three, act like wherever you are, that's the place to be.

A favorite Chinese diplomat around the world, crispy prawns cooked with special sauce that actually absorbed into the prawns.

chai tea vs. tai chi

Help watering the plastic flowers

And the list could continue, but suffice it to say, I want to thank the person whose job it is to sit around coming up with these subject lines. I at least got 15 minutes of amusement out of it . . .


  1. Wow. That is the most persuasive argument I have heard thus far!

  2. You made me want to open up my Yahoo email just to check it out. There, I did it. Here are a few that I liked:
    1) Circulate pretty, circulate!
    2) cycling over melons.


  3. yeah.... that's pretty great. Maybe we should suggest this to gmail. :)
