Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So you all know

Over the last few weeks I have seen a lot of buzz on the internet debating various topics of LDS doctrine, I have watched news reports of a former seminary teacher being convicted of raping his student, and have heard of friends and acquaintances leaving the church for one reason or another. With all of this negativity being raised in one arena or another, I decided that I wanted to raise my voice here. It might not have a far reach, but I sure will feel better.

I know that God loves his children. I know He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to show us the right way to live in order to return to live with him again. I know God set a pattern of communicating with His children through prophets. I know that God once again chose to have a prophet on the earth when He called Joseph Smith to be the prophet in 1830, and that since that time, we have always had a prophet on the earth.

I believe in the admonition of the Savior to judge people by their fruits. One fruit is "The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ." I believe it is what it says it is, another testament that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that it affirms the Bible's claim that Christ rose from the grave.

Another fruit is the actions of the people. No, we are not a perfect people - far from it. But we are trying. Our humanitarian efforts go to far countries such as Mozambique, or close to home at local food kitchens. These efforts are for Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists - anyone who is in distress or in need.

Finally, I just want to point at that for every argument somebody can make as a reason to leave the church or doubt whether or not it is true, another argument can be made to stay. If you are looking to leave, have your doubts, or concerns, please ask. Ask your faithful friends, ask leaders, but most importantly, ask the Lord. I don't know everything, I have been hurt by LDS members, and I have had my own confusions. All I do know is that I need God in my life, and when I go to church, when I pray, and when I read the scriptures, I feel God's love for me. And that's why I keep going.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!

    Come to institute with me on Tuesday nights at the U. (Can you believe I just said that?) Seriously, I wish you were there with me tonight so I could discuss some of these things with you and I think it goes along with this post.

    Love you!
