Tuesday, June 29, 2010
To Women Everywhere
I also was pondering on a recent article that my roommates and I were discussing from the Daily Universe (http://universe.byu.edu/node/9273), which basically says that men know within seconds whether or not they are attracted to you, and it is completely based on how pretty your face is.
The connection of these two items, and my problems with them are these: society is constantly attacking a woman's self esteem. If a woman like Judy Garland could feel ugly and not good enough, then what about the rest of us? If men indeed know if they are attracted to somebody within seconds, then what does that mean to the MANY of us women who are not being asked out? I have an issue with this. I know many women who will never be compared to Judy Garland, who might never make a photo shoot, or who will never be a size 4. But, these same women are still absolutely beautiful. Their smiles, their eyes, their curves, the mere fact that they are a woman is beautiful. And this is why - God made them. I see in every one of the women in my life a beautiful daughter of God. He made them attractive on BOTH the inside AND the outside. Just because no man is asking them out does not mean their face is not attractive enough, or that they need to fix something - it simply means that the right man has not come around.
So, to all the women out there who sometimes feel ugly, inferior, are self-conscious about some aspect of their body - tell yourself that you are beautiful. Who cares about all those critics? Look where it landed Judy Garland - a drug overdose. Its Satan who wants us to think less of ourselves. Those wrinkles around your eyes? They are beautiful, because they are earned by years of laughter. The rolls around your stomach? Beautiful, because they are evidence that you are real. The frizzy, uncooperative hair? Beautiful, because it shows that you live life and don't stop just because its raining.
Be happy, because you are beautiful. And I'm not just saying that in vague terms - I know each of the women who read my blog, and I KNOW that you are beautiful.
Lets all eat ice-cream and watch the song Beautiful Girl from Singin in the Rain to celebrate being beautiful. And then swoon over Gene Kelly, just because we can.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mystery Solved
Then, this past weekend my nephew and I were sitting on the porch on a very warm, very cloudless afternoon. He all of a sudden claimed that he felt a raindrop. I asked him where it came from, since there are no clouds in the sky. He said, "It was higher than the sky; it was from space. It was the astronauts. They were spitting."
I'm so glad that I now know where that freak rainstorm came from a few weeks ago. It was the astronauts. They must have been having a major spitting contest.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
- Get along great with children.
- Would prefer to stay at home with the children, but if necessary, can work in a decent job.
- E3 says I have soft hands.
- Fairly low maintenance.
Monday, June 14, 2010
-Insert creative title here-
1) I accidentally deleted the wireless driver off my computer. I don't know how, I feel rather stupid about it, but thank heavens for a brother who fixes computer problems. Our deal is that I help with his adorable kids when I'm visiting, and he doesn't laugh at my mistakes with my computer. I think its a pretty good set-up.
2) I think I'm too influenced by TV shows in the food I eat. Today I went to get food, and every fast food place looked disgusting, so I grabbed a quick sandwich; however, I couldn't make it through the line without grabbing a bag of Funyuns, simply because Shawn and Gus in an episode of "Psych" were discussing the wonders of Funyuns. Yes, I really did try some food simply because some made-up characters on TV said they liked them. And I liked them.
P.S. - I fixed my computer. System Restore is a pretty sweet tool. Still no solution to my food obsessions, or the fact that I ended up watching that episode of Psych while I was doing homework.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Addendum to list
And, Ruth and Jeff need to be added to the list. Just because they make me happy - all the more because she asked him out first :)
I can't think of anything witty, and my computer battery has the light on that tells me "This computer might shut down at any second, with no warning and will erase all things you are working on." So, I bid you all a fond goodnight, and I promise to get back to my typical pattern of useless posts soon.
Monday, June 7, 2010
I was never THIS bad
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Couples I admire
Walking home today, I ran into a friend and his wife and briefly chatted before continuing on. It led me to thinking about how much I love them as a couple, and also pondering about other couples I admire. Its not just that I like them individually (which I do), its that I like them even better BECAUSE they are together. They are like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, Han Solo and Chewbacca. . .well, maybe not that last one, but you get the picture. They have made the world a better place just because they are together. Their deep love for the other person is so apparent, the need for that person's friendship, and their commitment to the other person is so admirable, that you, the observer, cannot imagine the friendship of one without the other. They are your friend - them, as a couple, not as individuals. Here is a list of a few of the couples that I admire, as an example.
Richard and Debbie (mom and dad, you are the best!)
Brent and Sarah
Steven and Erika
Vance and Brittney
Amy and Billy
Todd and Hillary
Quincy and Mindy
Andrew and Ariel
Scott and Nancy
Michael and Rachel
Michael and Jani
(feel free to add some couples you admire in your comments!)
To these, and to the many other couples that I might not be remembering right now, thank you. Your friendship means a lot to me, and I truly admire and respect the love and friendship you have towards your spouse. You help give me hope that it is possible to find true love in this world - because I've seen that you have found it.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Grand Canyon part 2

Or kissing skills (yeah, yeah, they've had more than thirty years to practice and they are still in love. Of course they have this skill down.)

Or posing skills.

In the end, God won with his ability to make everything beautiful skills. And basically everything else that He can do so much better than us. Luckily He's really good at sharing those beautiful creations with us.

We saw more beautiful creations in Zion National Park, but those pictures are on my mom's camera. Which are at her home, and not with me. So, this is it on the pics from that fun trip. Maybe in another month I'll blog about my recent trip to San Fran - or I'll throw you all off and blog about it soon. Who knows?!
Grand Canyon - 1 month late!!

The next day we made it down to the Grand Canyon, where I forced my family to go on hikes that wore them out. Here is a picture during one of our breaks (where my little sister is thinking, how can Emily and I really be related? I think the same thing when she talks about Anime. And I love her anyway.)

Good thing I had my favorite man along on this trip to save me from a horrid death of falling into the Grand Canyon. Odd thing was, we both dreamt of falling in at a later time . . .

Look at that view!

My favorite part of the day started when the sun went low in the sky and was casting shadows throughout the canyon. Incredible.